SUPRA Espresso
Tasting Notes: Dark Chocolate | Roasted Almond | Syrupy
Supra Espresso is roasted a bit darker so you can have a more rich full bodied espresso experience that stands up well to milk or on its own!
At Due South we love the cycling community, we have been big supporters of what Supra Performance have been up to since the beginning. We are excited for the opportunity to partner with them for these two blends for those of you who love getting around a bit slower yet fitter, and those of you who love a good cup of coffee!
Proceeds from sales will help fund cycling advocacy efforts through club activities that support life-style cyclists, provide junior cyclists with mentorship and developmental activities, support competitive cycling opportunities, and engage members in community involvement endeavors. It is our collaborative vision to enhance cycling accessibility and promote safe cycling practices to a variety of cycling enthusiasts.