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Las Nubes | Colombia
Las Nubes | Colombia
Las Nubes | Colombia

Las Nubes | Colombia

Tasting Notes: Pear | Honey | Smooth

Here is a classic washed Colombia coffee that hits close to home. We love this one and good thing too because our very own Ricardo Pereira is one of the partners of this farm! Due to this, how good it tastes (obviously), and their ability to frequently harvest we keep this one on the menu year around.

About: Finca Las Nubes, located in the township of Agua Negra just 15 minutes outside of Pitalito, Huila, Colombia, is a partnership between professionals from every part of the coffee supply chain. The partnership includes:
- Rodrigo Sanchez Valencia, coffee producer operating Aromas del Sur, which
   includes three coffee farms (Finca Monteblanco, Finca El Progreso, and Finca La
   Loma) and the Aromas del Sur dry mill
- Vicente Mejia, an exporter and trader with Clearpath Coffee
- Ricardo Pereira, Owner of Due South Coffee Roasters
- Mark Trujillo, coffee roaster and owner of The Hub Coffee Co in Reno, Nevada, USA.
By bringing together this varied experience from each step in the process the team plans to focus on quality and sustainability in everything they do throughout production.

Region: Huila, a department in southern Colombia, sits at the convergence of the Central and Eastern ranges of the Andes mountains. Contrasting with its dry, flat capital city of Neiva, Huila's coffee region around Pitalito boasts smallholder-owned farms dedicated to producing specialty coffee. Through meticulous practices like manual harvesting, careful processing, and precise sorting, the region showcases its unique terroir. The Huila Coffee Committee, supported by the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation, provides extensive training to producers, fostering a culture of quality production.

Producer: Claudia Samboni
Region: Huila
Altitude: 1850 MASL
Variety: Caturra
Process: Washed
Harvest: June-July
Importer: Ally Coffee