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Bekele | Ethiopia
Bekele | Ethiopia
Bekele | Ethiopia

Bekele | Ethiopia

Tasting Notes: Blackberry, Milk Chocolate, Silky

We love natural processed coffees from Ethiopia! There's something so special about coffees hailing from the birthplace of the tree. This offering boasts vibrant and sweet fruit notes that are classically associated with the region. This coffee is from the same region and town as our washed Guji this year, which is a unique opportunity to taste a similar crop in the washed and natural process! We named this coffee after the producer and the processing station. We know you will love this bright and fruity cup. 


Region: Oromia
Town: Sawana    
Elevation: 1765
Variety: Heirloom
Processing Method: Natural
Dry Time: 8-10 days
Harvest Month: October- December 
Processing Station- Bekele wet mill
Importer: Keffa Coffee